North Palmyra Trophies
Yaroslav Demin enters the final of the North Palmyra Trophies
He confidently routed his friend Daniel Khazime 6/4, 6/1.

Right after the draw, Demin, Russia's top junior player, the winner of the junior French Open 2023 in doubles, and the singles finalist at junior Wimbledon, expressed disappointment that he had to face Khazime, a long-time friend, in the very first match. However, the draw is the draw, and he had to step onto the court against his friend.

Yaroslav didn't draw the match in length unnecessarily. Until the middle of the first set, the opponents were evenly matched, but from the score of 4/4, Demin won 8 out of 9 games and confidently advanced to the final.

He will compete for the title against 16-year-old Egor Pleshivtsev.

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